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It is indispensable to have a high Google page ranking (PR) for you website. This is because in order to get traffic to your site it has to be attractive to the search engines. A high PR is an indication that it is. When you consider that that the most successful internet marketers achieve only 3% of conversion to sales from those who visit their websites, then the importance of a respectable PR ranking and the attendant traffic becomes very important. for more help visit the way, the less successful internet marketers get only 1% conversions and those who get less usually give up on their internet marketing efforts.
Having established the importance of a good PR so that you have a good chance of exposure and therefore a greater possibility of sales, you or the webmaster handling your website must optimize it for the search engines. This can be regarded as the main goal of the website owner and the webmaster. To get onto the first page of Google’s search results for your keyword or keyword phrase it what it’s all about. At worst your site should be appearing on the second or third page. If it appears on any subsequent page you can pretty much accept that your website is invisible to the search engines.
It is therefore imperative to work hard to improve your Google PR. Put another way, you must not upset the Google search engines. Everything you do should massage them into accepting your website and rate it higher. It is not enough to work hard making your website interesting and informative. You have to make use of the best practice search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to allow you to feature high in Google.
There are many techniques for getting your website onto Google’s #1 page but there is no single best technique. You will have to take a multi-pronged approach. Bear that in mind when you read the techniques enumerated below. Use two, three or even more of these methods and you will achieve success in time.
Behind every successful website rated high on Google lies plenty of keyword research and keyword targeting. You should keyword density analyzers to sure that your content has just sufficient keywords and phrases, not too much. A 1-5% keyword density is about right. Experiment carefully and see what effect various densities have. Be careful of keyword stuffing. Google hates that and will blacklist your site.
Great content is critical to the success of your site for Google. Never forget this. Google uses “bots” or scripts that crawl through the websites seeing what is there. Original content is best. They also base your ranking on your traffic. For more detail go to: Also work on getting links pointing to your website. Google PageRank is based on how popular your site is too and the number of inward back links is a definite indication. Remember that the more credible the site that linked you up the better. Credible websites have – wait for it – higher Google Pros. Another way to get more links in order to improve your Google PR is to post your link in Blogs and forums.
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